“ The image you create of yourself is the legacy you leave to your children. ” Professor Clemons.



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Apple Bites commentary, insight, and opinions on anything related to education

Gun violence is a tragedy for school children .Teachers using "be a cop" methods for protection is a disaster.

12 Children Die From Gun Violence Every Day. Another 32 Are Shot and Injured. It cost society $1,000.000 for a single act of gun violence







girl with glasses reading

Coming Monday Teachers are Not "Gun Violence" Police

( Addressing Gun Violence in School)








A lie is fast,false,and spreads easily,but when truth come,a lie withers like grass ,while truth stands tall and grows strong like a mighty oak."



Comments,and Opinions

" Delusions of your own greatness is what you think in your mind, but in reality, there is no greatness in you if you lack application, insight, ability, and wisdom."

-Dr. J T Clemons


Critical Race Theory Myth

School Gun Violence Increases

Phonics Reading In Question










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